2016 Scion Reviews

4.5 out of 5 (18 reviews)
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Top Quality, Best MPG, Best compact car to own!

First thing, if you didn't know already that this car is a Mazda 2 that has the Scion label on it, now you do. Second, it is full of great components for a great price. Push to start, a visual stereo ...

Fun stylish commuter car

Great first car for a young person. Looks sporty but not enough power to get into trouble. Great tech inside if you carry a smart phone.


  • Reliability: its a Toyota
  • Safety: 5 stars
  • Cost to Maintain: no cost maint for 3yrs.


  • Power: Needs about 50 more horses to really be sporty.

great car, great deal

good make & model. very reliable & dependable. excellent gas mileage.


  • Fuel Economy: great on trips
  • Ride and Handling: helps while on long trips
  • Seat Comfort: comfort while driving

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