Find out what your 2008 Acura TL is worth2008 Acura TL recent instant offers range from $1,300-$2,600. Get an offer for your car with the CarMax Instant Offer tool.
2008 Acura TL recent instant offers range from $1,300-$2,600. Get an offer for your car with the CarMax Instant Offer tool.
2008 Acura TL values
Values are based on CarMax offers for 2008 Acura TLs over the last 45 days. Your offer will vary depending on your trim, condition, mileage, and other factors.
Recent CarMax 2008 Acura TL offers
155,000 miles | $2,600 |
148,000 miles | $2,500 |
197,000 miles | $1,600 |
205,214 miles | $1,300 |
153,000 miles | $2,300 |
174,479 miles | $2,100 |
159,000 miles | $2,200 |
180,000 miles | $2,100 |
130,000 miles | $2,200 |
159,000 miles | $2,200 |
This is a sample of offers made over the last 45 days. Get an offer for your car with the CarMax Instant Offer tool.
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Get the value of your 2008 Acura TL
Frequently asked questions
Many factors impact your 2008 Acura TL's value, such as the specific year, make, model, trim, mileage, condition, and vehicle history report. Use the CarMax Instant Offer tool to get an offer for your 2008 Acura TL that is good for seven days.
2008 Acura TL values are always changing due to many factors. Vehicle supply and demand trends, consumer preferences, time of year, and macroeconomic trends can all impact 2008 Acura TL values. At CarMax, our offers are good for seven days.
While looking to sell your car, you've probably heard of Kelley Blue Book® and your 2008 Acura TL's "Blue Book Value," which is an estimate based on info like mileage, condition, trim, and more. At CarMax, you can get one of our real, firm offers for your car and compare it to Kelley Blue Book® Trade-In Value. You can use CarMax's offer to comparison shop for 7 days or accept the offer and get paid at your local CarMax store.
If you want to redeem your offer and sell your car to CarMax, you have 7 days from the day the offer is made. You can either make an appointment or simply bring the car to us anytime we're open. We'll verify your car's condition, finalize your offer, and you'll be able to leave with payment in hand.
No, you're always welcome to bring your car to a CarMax store for an in-store appraisal. To get an in-store appraisal, you can either make an appointment or simply stop by whenever it's convenient for you.
No, you don't need an appointment to sell your car. However, an appointment will help us get you in and out in as little time as possible.
Requirements can vary from state to state, but there are a few items you'll need no matter where you are:
- Your car's title or payoff information. All titleholders should be present.
- Valid and current registrations
- Valid state-issued photo ID for all title holders.
- All keys and remotes
- Please note that you don't need these things to get an offer for your car, but if you think you plan to sell when you get your offer, you should come prepared with these items.