Fuel Economy
Ride and Handling
Fuel Economy
it runs great on gas and runs great in general
Cost to Maintain
low maintenance is a plus
Hondas have always been my favorite
Cargo Space
not a lot of trunk space but it’s enough
Weather Versatility
I love it just had to make a choice
it’s great
Fuel Economy
it runs great on gas and runs great in general
Cost to Maintain
low maintenance is a plus
Hondas have always been my favorite
Cargo Space
not a lot of trunk space but it’s enough
Weather Versatility
I love it just had to make a choice
it’s great
Fuel Economy
I have been filling my tank up less than my old car and saving some money.
Brakes work great. Something necessary with all the drivers on the road.
I thinkthe engine works great and can get up to speed much faster than my old car.
I have noticed a small blindspot on the right side of the front windshield mostly caused by my own height.
Technology and Entertainment
I think the base door speakers aren't the greatest in the world and could be better. But this was not a factor I cared about when looking at the car.
Seat Comfort
I would prefer if the seat could be lowered a bit more.
love how smooth it is
Fuel Economy
great on gas
Fuel Economy
Ride and Handling
Interior Space
Ride and Handling
Very smooth driving and maneuverability
Fuel Economy
Goes for 2 weeks on a full tank of gas with daily use.
Interior Space
Very cozy interior and user interface
Wish it had a back windshield wiper
Fuel Economy
gas mileage is amazing. only have to fill up maybe once a week. went from parhump and back . and still rode around the city to and from work for the rest of the week.. Smooth handling .. nice features. the sunroof /moonroof is my favorite. touch screen is amazing also. all around very clean car.
Ride and Handling
Interior Space
Technology and Entertainment
Cargo Space
Interior Space
Very comfortable and modern
Technology and Entertainment
Great speakers and monitor
Super powerful and fast
A little hard to see sometimes because its low to the ground