Ride and Handling
rides like a sport car
got some giddy up
looks impressive
Technology and Entertainment
doesn't have an auxiliary port , just a USB. But thats not important, I just got a Bluetooth fm transmitter.
Ride and Handling
Technology and Entertainment
Fuel Economy
Great acceleration
Ride and Handling
Smooth ride
Ride and Handling
It performs and handles the road perfect in any type of weather that I have driven it in. Easy to accelerate and decelerate when needed also.
Seat Comfort
Very comfortable seats for a performance car.
Very smooth, sleek design and style. Inside controls are centered for driver's ease and inside is just as stylish as the outside of the car. Luxury style with race car performance!
Cabin Noise
Cabin noise is slightly louder than that of a touring car, but it is a performance car, so it is as expected. Not loud though, and the sound system in the car is awesome, so that helps also.
Technology and Entertainment
The Navigation system is not the most reliable and the voice recognition sometimes does not recognize commands easily, so I do have to use my cell phone for google maps and voice calling often. But, I found out that I can take it in for a systems upgrade, and this should take care of this issue, hopefully. The Radio system/sound system is wonderful!
Interior Space
Not very much storage space up in the front, for like a cell phone or CDs, but the overall space for your body and guests to ride is great. Everything is geared for comfort with performance. Very spacious with leg space, height space, and overall room. Also, the trunk is large and spacious, and that is a great plus as well. Only con is the lack of places to put CDs, or cell phones. Overall space for bodies and items: great. Seats: very comfortable: like memory foam comfortable. Overall, there are more good things about this car than there are bad. I love this car and love driving it!
Ride and Handling
Excellent handling for a heavy car. Effortless!
Fuel Economy
Much better than my previous 2006 G35.
Much more than I need! It is so responsive. Almost intuitive! The computer that controls the shifting of the 7 gears is brilliant!
Not intuitive, but can be learned with time. Since it's a 2015 model the touch screen dashboard came later.
Seat Comfort
I miss the memory power seats I had in the G35. Every time I have to exit the car, I have to manually lower the power seat.
Has a sports car engine
Very easy to see in all directions
Very nice body, sleek
Fuel Economy
It doesn’t get as good as we hoped. Not bad but ok
Cabin Noise
Seems there is lots of noise
Technology and Entertainment
Stero system seems average, wished it had alert when cars are beside you
Ride and Handling
Cost to Maintain
Interior Space