Weather Versatility
The weather in KC can be tricky. The AWD and traction control features will come in handy this winter.
Seat Comfort
It's very comfortable. Like sitting in a Lazy Boy.
Fuel Economy
I don't mind paying a little extra for fuel, as I need the extra space.
Ride and Handling
Ride and Handling
This is my first SUV and the ride is smooth and easy to handle for a short person.
Cost to Maintain
Well the oil change seemed a little pricey to me, but my old car was a 2000 Honda Civic and the oil change for that was only 19.99
Interior Space
I was able accommedate my family of 4 in comfort.
Fuel Economy
I only had to fill up once going and coming ack home when I travled
If your are required to stop abruptly, the brakes slip and then stops, in wet or dry condidtions. That's prettty scray.
Ride and Handling
Nice riding
Nice style
Seat Comfort
Nice comfort
Had multiple problens within 4 months
Interior Space
Wish there were more seating space
Shape is attractive
Fuel Economy
Seat Comfort
Ride and Handling
Fuel Economy
Cargo Space
Fuel Economy
Technology and Entertainment
Interior Space
Cargo Space
Ride and Handling
transmission is horrible. RPMs between 4000-5000. drives me crazy. Broke down on the freeway a week after I bought it
Cabin Noise
makes a winding sound that drives me crazy
Cost to Maintain
too many mechanical issues