Mercedes-Benz E400 Reviews

4.9 out of 5 (16 reviews)
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very good car at a fair price

great selection eay of looking


  • Power
  • Ride and Handling: the way it drove
  • Styling: love the lines on the 2 door


  • Cost to Maintain: high cost to service

Beautiful and fun car to drive!

Sports feel and endless features, including automated parking assist, hands free piloting with lane keep assist (if equipped). Auto wipers and hi beams, endless safety features, and heads-up display (...

the perfect balance for me

My wagon has the ride and handling of a luxury sedan with the cargo & towing capacity of an SUV.


  • Cabin Noise: Oh so quiet. I've not owned an S class, at least not yet, but I can't imagine it's much quieter than this.
  • Ride and Handling: Velvety smooth in Comfort mode (the default), but still agile... especially if you use Sport mode.
  • Technology and Entertainment: I'm a dedicated audiophile, and the Burmester is simply divine even without surround mode or even any adjustment. Rock, jazz, classical... I enjoy them all!


  • Value: The steep depreciation of Mercedes-Benz continues to mystify me. But it does allow me to buy fabulous cars for very good prices!

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