Seat Comfort
Interior Space
Cabin Noise
Fuel Economy
Ride and Handling
Cabin Noise
drives/handles well, comfortable very little road noise
Cargo Space
can cary a variety of items with no probs
Seat Comfort
Fuel Economy
gets less mileage than the previous car- 2019 focus
safe and secure
Fuel Economy
good on gas
Fuel Economy
Ride and Handling
Cargo Space
Technology and Entertainment
For the minimal mileage the previous owner put on it, the vehicle cost including Car Max Care protection was a great deal!
Ride and Handling
I enjoy how the vehicle rides and handles on city streets and highway driving even though it is an SUV. Actually, it has helped me to improve my driving habits and manners!
I am completely satisfied with it's reliability! It does not leave me stranded or worrying if the engine, drive train, or ventilation will malfunction.
Cabin Noise
The cabin is more noisy than I would have preferred to be. Having said that, it does not present a problem with driving it.
The vehicle has few blind spots. I have to carefully observe what's happening before I make a decision to act.
Seat Comfort
The vehicle's seating comfort is reduced being that it is a compact SUV, however, the driver's seat and my small size are compatible.
Cargo Space
huge space
Fuel Economy
Great on gas
Seat Comfort
comfy seats
wish it had the option of a digital speed
Ride and Handling
Fuel Economy
Technology and Entertainment
Fuel Economy
Fuel mileage is better than expected.
It took some time to get used to the brakes.