Fuel Economy
Because it's better for my economy
Seat Comfort
because for my is important drave comfortable
Cargo Space
Nice deep space for cargo even though it is compact.
Technology and Entertainment
Apple Play installed and back up camera
All leather interior!
Fuel Economy
Very compact and fits in small parking spaces. Good for the CIty.
Cargo Space
Nice deep space for cargo even though it is compact.
Technology and Entertainment
Apple Play installed and back up camera
All leather interior!
Fuel Economy
Very compact and fits in small parking spaces. Good for the CIty.
Fuel Economy
with gas prices on the rise, it's nice that I can put 15-22 bucks to fill up only once maybe twice a week depending on the trips I have to take for family events or work.
it gets me from point a to point b.
the price was amazing for this car with such low miles.
it takes a minute to get a high rate of speed as opposed to my vw Jetta that I used to own. other than that I have zero complaints!
Fuel Economy
It's very inexpensive to fill up my tank each week! Best car I've had as far as fuel!
If you like tiny cars, this is it! It's roomy on the inside, but doesn't have many blindspots
Interior Space
Looking at it, you would think there would be no room, but it's very spacious and perfect for me and my family!
Fuel Economy
Cabin Noise
Fuel Economy
Cargo Space
Interior Space
looks small until you open the doors
no blind spots
Fuel Economy
so far only city driving 33mpg
Technology and Entertainment
no power mirrors and no cruise control
kinda hard to read while driving
Weather Versatility
not sure how to work the skid button
Interior Space
The car is little on the outside but HUGE on the inside! It is so spacey and stylish, comfortably big.
Fuel Economy
I get 30 mpg on the regular roadway and 35 on the highway, which is SO NICE! I only get gas once a month.
I have an inordinate number of airbags, the braking system is flawless, and even though it's a teeny little car I never feel unsafe.
Cabin Noise
Because it is a 4 cylinder engine it makes loud noises when I accelerate up hills, but it's not bad at all.
Fuel Economy
I am spending a quarter of what I used to spend on gas!
Seat Comfort
I drive between two major cities (about 400 miles each way) frequently, and the Yaris is very comfortable for that length of a drive. Even the back seats are comfortable (and spacious- many of my taller friends have been pleasantly surprised!).
Overall a very worthwhile purchase. The combination of safety, comfort, and style is wonderful.
Technology and Entertainment
I love the Bluetooth and entertainment setup, but it did take a while to figure out how to properly navigate it so that I could connect my phone to the Bluetooth. However it does stay connected after one time, so that's a plus!