How can I check for unrepaired safety recalls when I'm shopping for a car at CarMax?
To know if the car you want has an unrepaired safety recall, go to the car's detail page and use the "Check for Unrepaired Safety Recalls" link. This link will take you to the NHTSA website. Your car's VIN will be pre-populated into their search engine, and the results will display automatically. You can also go directly to the NHTSA website at There you'll find information on safety recalls based on vehicle year, make, and model, as well as safety ratings and other general safety-related information.
In addition, CarMax provides free AutoCheck® reports online and in store, which may include safety recall information on some manufacturers' vehicles. Before you buy a car, we'll review an AutoCheck report and results from the NHTSA Recall Look-Up with you. When you're shopping on our lot, you can scan the QR code on the window sticker to view the car's detail page online, where you can access the NHTSA Recall Look-Up.
Please note, the NHTSA and AutoCheck websites are independent and CarMax does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of their information.